Industry News

What is the false alarm of the smoke alarm?

Subordinate Classification:Industry NewsRelease Time:2018-11-29

To prevent fires, many families install smoke alarms to monitor smoke concentrations To achieve the purpose of fire warning. However, in daily life, many people will find that there is always a false alarm in the smoke alarm at home. It is obvious that there is no fire, and the equipment has been ringing, which has caused problems for many users. So, what are the reasons for the false alarms of smoke alarms?

First, the impact of steam or moisture

Steam or moisture can concentrate on the sensor and the board, and if too much water is concentrated, an alarm sounds.

Solution: Install the alarm device far away from steam and moisture. For example, the kitchen does not have a smoke alarm. Because the Chinese people eat more fried and fried, the generated smoke and water vapor will cause false alarms. Will impair the smoke performance. The kitchen generally installs a gas leak alarm. The alarm should not be installed in the corridor of the bathroom, so that the problem can be solved. However, if the alarm is working properly and now reacts to vapor or moisture, the problem may be the cause of the alarm aging. Older alarms become more sensitive and more responsive to vapors and moisture. Therefore, the occurrence of false positives may also be that the alarm has to be replaced beyond the useful life.

Second, the power supply

When the battery is almost used up, it will make a loud noise every minute (the different models will have different intervals and sounds, but there is a low battery warning function), and some people think that this is a kind of false alarm. But this sound is very different because it emits a single, short sound, and it sounds about once every minute.

Solution: If your alarm is intermittently emitting such a sound, you can replace the battery to see if it solves the problem.

Third, the smoke produced by cigarettes

In general, the smoke alarm does not respond to cigarette smoke unless the smoke is very heavy. For example, many smokers smoking in the same room may cause an alarm. If the alarm is too old, even if the concentration of the smoke is low, it will respond. So instead, we can also judge whether the alarm has aged.

Solution: Replace the alarm

Fourth, dust

If the alarm keeps sounding an alarm, it may be that there is too much dust in the alarm.

Solution: Consider replacing the alarm or cleaning it. When cleaning the alarm, vacuum the end of the vacuum cleaner close to the opening around the alarm. The dust accumulated in the alarm can be completely removed.